Chenggong establishes the Dounan flower industry cluster|Updated: June 19, 2024

Kunming has named its first three municipal-level characteristic industrial cluster areas to further promote the intensification and high-quality development of industries.

They are the Dounan flower industry area in Chenggong district, the biomedical and health industry area in Anning city and the international modern trade and logistics industry area in Guandu district.

The Dounan flower industry cluster area aims to extend the flower processing chain and promote the integration and development of the flower industry with tourism, culture, health, and other industries.

By 2025, it aims to achieve a trading volume of 15 billion stems and a transaction value of 14.7 billion yuan($2.03 billion). By 2028, the Dounan flower industry is expected to reach the international first-class level in aspects including technological innovation, new variety research and development, scientific planting and international competitiveness, becoming a model and benchmark for the flower industry in China and even the world.

Chenggong district has reached a strategic cooperation agreement with the Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences to jointly establish a flower seed laboratory, ushering the flower industry into the "4.0 gene breeding era."

Covering an area of 4,500 square meters, the flower seed laboratory began construction on April 30 this year, and is expected to be fully operational by July 15. Once completed, a team of 54 scientists from the Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences will be stationed in the laboratory.

Jin Chunlian from the academy said that the future laboratory aims to provide technical support for the entire flower industry chain's research and development. The lab will rely on the extensive flower genome database built in the earlier stages to innovate in seed development.