Transformation of Mohan’s village with Chenggong district|Updated: May 20, 2024


Longmen village, one of the six border villages of the town of Mohan, is taking on a new profile with the help of Kunming’s Chenggong district.

It comes thanks to the cooperative approach built between Kunming’s six districts and the villages in Mohan .

The once far-flung town in Southwest China’s Yunnan province bordering Laos, is transforming into a booming international land port since it was put under the trusteeship of Kunming in May 2022.


At the same time, Kunming's six districts have offered paired assistance to the six villages in the town, launching an overall plan and working out detailed road map for the villages.

Over the past year, Chenggong district has invested a total of 7.6 million yuan($1.05 million) as support funds to the village of Longmen, focusing on improved infrastructure and sanitation, as well as lighting and the construction of theme squares.

With regard to industrial assistance, Chenggong helped Longmen register its first village collective enterprise to sell local agricultural products.

It also assisted in building a cold storage facility in Longmen to aid in the storage and transportation of these products.

It facilitated the sale of Longmen’s  agricultural products in supermarkets within Chenggong and listed these products on the supply and marketing cooperative's internet platform to further expand sales channels.


Additionally, Chenggong's high-quality educational resources have also been shared with Longmen.

At the end of last August, six students from Longmen began their academic journey at Changshui Experimental Middle School in Chenggong. This initiative not only allows Longmen students to benefit from Chenggong's educational resources, but also provides them with educational assistance grants.