Chenggong district launches new flower dishes

Updated: April 3, 2024


Boasting Asia’s largest fresh flower market, Chenggong district in Kunming is launching new dishes and drinks featuring flowers to attract more visitors.


In spring, flower dishes are indispensable for gracing local tables. It is said there are nearly a hundred kinds of edible flowers locally, and they can be cooked in many ways.


During the recent Cherry Blossom Festival in Chenggong, six cherry blossom delicacies were introduced, including cherry blossom milk foam and cherry blossom pudding. Chen Shenghe, an inheritor of Yunnan's floral cuisine cooking techniques, made cherry blossom egg crisps on-site, which were well-received.


Recognized as Asia's largest fresh-cut flower trading market, the Dounan Flower Market is pivotal in the flower industry. Nestled on the eastern shores of Dianchi Lake in Kunming, this market is a crucial hub for flower distribution.