Roses from stars in full bloom in Kunming|Updated: November 8, 2023


In Anning Rose Garden, a modern flower industry zone, roses growing from seeds brought by Shenzhou manned spacecraft are in full bloom. Hence the name: roses from stars.

These roses differ from traditional roses in terms of size and color.

In August 2022, of 21 combinations of 8,000 seeds that underwent several processes in Yunnan Jinke Flower Engineering Research Center Company, 12 combinations of 1,200 seeds thrived after their space travel.

“Space flight breeding is vital to cultivating new varieties, which entails more mutation to increase the possibilities of new breed,” Tian Liantong, a technician from the research center, said.


Adjustments can be made in the greenhouse to provide a suitable environment for flowers. However, three seasonal cycles still need to be taken before the trial breeding. “Flowers need to survive high temperatures and diseases in summer and coldness in winter, if not, the flower will be ruled out,”Tian Liantong said. Most of the flowers on the market undergo selection for more than five years, even 10 years. Thus it is very difficult for a flower species to thrive.


There are more than 5,000 species of wildflowers and ornamental plants in Yunnan. In recent years, local government departments, scientific research institutes, and enterprises  have worked together to select varieties to enrich the supply of flowers in the market. By the end of 2022, Yunnan has obtained more than 950 independently cultivated varieties authorized by the State. They are registered in the province and introduced and promoted in more than 1,000 new varieties.