Kunming Plateau Half Marathon to kick off

km.gov.cn|Updated: October 13, 2023

2023 Kunming Plateau Half Marathon will kick off on October 22nd at Kunming Hall!

Looking back, we have embarked on an extraordinary journey together over the past ten years, witnessing the metamorphosis of Kunming, a rising first-tier city, throughout 3,650 days and nights.

The runners of Kunming Plateau Half Marathon are also closely connected to this city, using their  passion for running to touch the veins of the city and pushing their boundaries.

Through a decade of transformation, the Kunming Plateau Half Marathon has evolved and grown, from its inaugural race with 5,000 participants to the current tenth edition with a scale of 15,000 participants, inspiring countless citizens to join the running movement.

As time passes, the flame of passion endures! Mark your calendars for October 22nd, as we eagerly await the celebration of our ten-year anniversary together!

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Event Information

Event Date

Sunday, October 22, 2023 at 8:00 AM

Event Categories and Capacity

Half Marathon: 6,000 participants

10K Fun Run: 6,000 participants

Family Run: 3,000 participants

Note: The Family Run requires registration as a family unit, with options of 1+1 (one parent with one child), 2+1 (two parents with one child), or 2+2 (two parents with two children) registrations.

Event Information

Registration Eligibility

Age Requirements

1. Half Marathon: Participants must be 16 years of age or older (born before December 31, 2007).

2. 10Km Fun Run: Participants must be 14 years of age or older (born before December 31, 2009).

3. Family Run: Children participants must be 3 years of age or older (born before December 31, 2020) and younger than 14 years of age (born after January 1, 2009). There are no age restrictions for parents.

4. Participants under the age of 18 must have their guardian or legal representative sign the participant declaration form, while participants aged 65 and above need to provide a participant declaration and health certificate signed by an immediate family member.

Health Requirements

A marathon is a high-intensity, high-demand, long-distance athletic event, and it carries a high level of risk. Participants need to meet certain physical fitness requirements. Participants should be in good health, have a foundation of long-term running exercise, and have completed training or races of half marathon distance or longer. Participants should choose to register for either the Half Marathon, 10Km Fun Run, or Family Run based on their physical condition and training level. The following individuals are advised not to participate in the race:

1. Individuals with congenital heart disease or rheumatic heart disease;

2. Individuals with hypertension or cerebrovascular disease;

3. Individuals with myocarditis or other heart disease;

4. Individuals with coronary artery disease or severe arrhythmia;

5. Individuals with excessively high or low blood sugar levels due to diabetes;

6. Individuals who have had a cold within two weeks of the race;

7. Individuals who have consumed excessive alcohol or lacked sufficient sleep the night before the race;

8. Pregnant women;

9. Individuals who have not yet recovered from a confirmed COVID-19 infection;

10. Individuals within 30 days after recovering from a confirmed COVID-19 infection;

11. Individuals who experience high-altitude reactions;

12. Individuals with other conditions that are not suitable for exercise.

Health Requirements

The organizing committee requires all participants to undergo a medical examination (including an electrocardiogram and blood pressure tests) at a formal medical institution. Participants should evaluate their physical condition based on the examination report to ensure they are able to participate in long-distance running prior to registering. Participants are personally responsible for any personal and property damages that occur during the race due to personal physical conditions and other personal reasons. Participants of the Half Marathon and 10Km Fun Run categories should bring their ID cards and electrocardiogram test reports from within the last three months when collecting their race kits.

Event Information

Pre-registration Dates: From September 25, 2023, at 2:00 PM to October 8, 2023, at 12:00 AM.

Registration Methods

1. Register through the official website:


2. The "Kunming Sports" WeChat Official Account

3. Official registration partner apps: "ATHLETICS" and "MARA MARA"

Registration Fees

1. Half Marathon: 150 yuan per person

2. 10K Fun Run: 100 yuan per person

3. Family Run: 60 yuan per person

"Ten-Year" Runner Benefits

Looking for Ten-Year Runners

For runners who have participated in any of the previous nine editions of the Kunming Marathon, there will be no registration fee for the 2023 Kunming Plateau Half Marathon. Runners need to provide proof of their participation to the organizing committee.

Ten-Year Celebration with Unity

Runners whose date of birth on their ID cards is October 22 can register for the 2023 Kunming Plateau Half Marathon for free.

Contact Information for the Organizing Committee

If you have any questions, you can contact the organizing committee through the following channels:

1. WeChat Official Account: Kunming Marathon

2. Sina Weibo: Kunming Marathon

3. Official Website:


4. Official Phone Number: 0871-65311102, 17787107181

 (Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM, 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM)

#Topic Collection

From September 25th to October 8th (during the registration period), on platforms such as Douyin, RED, or Weibo, use the hashtag #MyTenYearsWithKunma# to post photos, articles, or short videos. The top 5 entries with the highest number of "likes + shares" on each platform will have their registration fee waived for this year's Kunming Marathon.

Note: Participants should register for the event as usual and, upon verification by the organizing committee, the registration fee will be refunded through the original channel. - no more edits