Mohan Port opens festival homecoming channel|Updated: October 12, 2023

With the arrival of Mid-Autumn and National Day, Mohan Port and Mohan Railway Port in Yunnan province, on the border between China and Laos, are experiencing a peak in inbound and outbound passenger flows.

On Sept 29, the first day of the holiday, a total of 473 inbound and outbound passengers were processed at Mohan Railway Port, with outbound passengers reaching 287, representing a 6.3% increase compared to previous figures.

"I have been to Laos before, but this time I specifically chose to take the China-Laos Railway to travel to Laos. It feels much more relaxed and convenient compared to driving," said a man surnamed Zhang and his family, who were eagerly waiting for the outbound inspection at Mohan Railway Port.

The person in charge of the Mohan Border Inspection Station stated that in order to effectively cope with the peak passenger flow during the holidays, and ensure smooth customs clearance for travelers, the Mohan Border Inspection Station and the China-Laos Railway team have actively introduced facilitation measures, such as pre-recorded and pre-inspected large tourist groups, real-time information on port traffic, holiday travel announcements, the dynamic allocation of police forces, and the early opening of channels. They have also set up a Chinese Nationals channel and a festival homecoming channel at the border inspection site, providing a special Channel for special individuals, such as the elderly, sick, disabled, and pregnant women. They have also implemented passenger diversion and guidance, minimizing the waiting time for passengers in queues, and effectively ensuring efficient and secure customs clearance.

This year, with improved transportation facilities, Mohan Port has become a popular choice for travelers to enter or leave China during the holidays, providing convenience and efficiency for those traveling home or going on holiday.