Youth seek unfamiliar tastes at Yunnan wet market

By Li Yingqing in Kunming and Zhou Huiying||Updated: August 3, 2023


Customers purchase wild mushrooms at Zhuanxin Wet Market in Kunming, Yunnan province. [Photo by Jia Xiang/For]

With the further recovery of the tourism market, some wet markets in characteristic cities or towns have become tourist destinations, such as the Zhuanxin Wet Market in Kunming, Yunnan province.

Recent data from China's e-commerce platform Dazhongdianping shows that in the past month, searches for Zhuanxin Wet Market increased by more than 190 percent and related comments increased by more than 50 percent.

During a visit to Yunnan, tourists can enjoy a cool and comfortable summer environment while they taste local cuisine, including unfamiliar but delicious fruits and vegetables in the market.

Visitors can take a break in one of the market's pet stalls, coffee shops, or artwork stalls.

"In recent years, young people, especially those living in fast-paced cities, have shown unprecedented enthusiasm for yanhuoqi, or the smell of cooking," said the relevant person in charge of Dazhongdianping. " The wet markets can be seen as a window to the city, where young people can experience local customs from a vegetable or a fruit."


Zhuanxin Wet Market in Kunming, Yunnan province attracts many visitors. [Photo by Jia Xiang/For]