China International Import Expo fuels opening-up in Yunnan|Updated: June 25, 2023


Organized by the Ministry of Commerce and Yunnan administration, the event “China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Yunnan” was held in Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province, on June 6, aiming to boost cooperation by introducing more foreign investment.

The event had participation from 109 international companies, including 40 Fortune Global 500 companies, and four international business associations.

Minister of Commerce  Wang Wentao said that this year is the first year for the implementation of the guiding principles of the 20th Communist Party of China (CPC) National Congress, and because China is now in full swing in terms of advancing modernization, it will provide new and exciting opportunities for foreign companies. He went on to express wishes that all parties can make good use of this opportunity, strengthen exchanges and connections, and deepen cooperative relationships.

The CIIE has become an important platform to promote top-tier globalization. The event enables the development of international purchasing, investment promotion, communication, and cooperation. In recent years, Yunnan has emerged as a frontier of openness in China, thanks to its unique geographical advantage, abundant natural resources, growing industrial system, and improving business environment.

Wang Yubo, governor of Yunnan, highlighted the beautiful, open landscapes and vast development prospects of Yunnan. He stated that the CIIE provides a rare opportunity for Yunnan to deepen cooperation and collaboration with world-renowned enterprises, as well as expand the process of “opening-up”. He went on to explain that the province will continue to create a first-class business environment, ensuring that every investor feels facilitated and welcomed in Yunnan.

Yang Hong, head of Lesaffre in China, Sun Lidong, deputy head of Meiliken Asia Pacific, Bai Shida, chairman of Tennant (China), Xie Zhe, a key figure from Durrer, and Morinaga Masahiro, chief representative of JETRO Chengdu, delivered further speeches expressing a desire to enhance communication and cooperation with Yunnan.

To sum up, the total intended investment quoted at the event amounted to $3.3 billion, while the intended procurement value reached $2 billion.