Laos village leaders visit Kunming to learn poverty alleviation strategies|Updated: June 9, 2023

A training course on poverty reduction was initiated in Kunming for representatives from Laos' Boten village. Ten village leaders and a government official from Nanta province, Laos visited Kunming to explore cooperation opportunities, learn from successful projects in the city, and foster stronger ties.

The training program, facilitated by the Foreign Affairs Office of Kunming Municipal People's Government, was designed to promote mutual development and prosperity along the China-Laos border.

Secretary-general of the Kunming Foreign Economic and Technical Cooperation Association, Wei Siliang, highlighted the necessity of collaborative efforts in areas like firefighting and wildlife protection due to the close geographical proximity of the regions.

During their visit, the village leaders studied the function  of the Mohan Border Trade Export Zone and the measures taken to maintain law and order in rural areas. They noted significant improvements in Mohan since it came under Kunming's administration and expressed their optimism for future collaborations.

The group also visited several agricultural facilities in Kunming, including a modern agricultural technology center and a Chinese medicine cultural exhibit. They were exposed to the fusion of agriculture with local industries and preservation of cultural heritage.

The delegation expressed their admiration for the technological advancements and the scale of rural agriculture in Kunming during their four-day visit. They hoped to invite Kunming experts to guide the development of their local industries.

In conclusion, the village leaders expressed their gratitude for the informative trip, and they looked forward to strengthening ties and future exchanges with Kunming.