Critically endangered birds spotted at ecologically improving Dianchi Lake|Updated: December 28, 2022


Baer's pochard, classified as critically endangered by the IUCN, and listed as a first-class protected animal in China, has recently been spotted in Dianchi Lake by workers of the Yunnan Wild Bird Association while investigating wintering birds in the iconic lake.

Baer's pochard is a medium-sized duck that is primarily found in eastern and southeastern Asia, and breeds in the Russian Far East and eastern China. They usually migrate in winter to southern China, Vietnam, Japan, and India.

However, due to hunting, habitat loss and other factors, the number of mature individuals is estimated less than 1,000 and its population continues to decline.

This is the third time since 2021 that the pochard has been spotted in Dian Lake wetland park in Kunming.

The duck is among other rare birds that forage and migrate to Dianchi Lake as its ecological restoration accelerates.