Kunming uses online platform in search for talents

km.gov.cn|Updated: November 17, 2022

Kunming released guidance for the introduction of high-level and urgently needed talents. The guidance is based on nearly 110,000 pieces of recruitment information, and opinions from industrial parks and employers.

Some 268 high-level vacancies are identified in businesses such as modern urban agriculture, high-end manufacturing, biomedicine, daily chemicals, new materials and other key industries as well as education and health.

Kunming also built an online talent platform with 24-hour online services. The platform provides policy interpretation, job posting, resume collection and management, talent search, real-time video interview and other functions.

Since the platform has been in operation for one month, 409 employers have launched 32,893 jobs, focusing on digital economy, modern commerce and logistics, biomedicine and other industries. The operation of the platform has effectively alleviated the impact of the epidemic on offline recruitment.