Local trips gain popularity in Kunming during National Day holiday

km.gov.cn|Updated: October 12, 2022


According to the Kunming cultural and tourism bureau, Kunming received 3.74 million visitors during the National Day holiday. Local and short-distance trips have become a new leisure trend this year.

On the premise of COVID-19 prevention and control, the most popular options for Kunming residents included camping, cycling and visiting local attractions.


Its 29 major tourist areas received about one tenth of the visitors, with the top three most popular attractions being Daguan Park, Ancient Dian Town and Kunming Expo Garden Tourist Area.

Heilongtan Park is entering its prime time to appreciate red maple leaves, which blanket its rolling mountains; Daguan Park’s boasts over 10,000 chrysanthemums in full bloom, which have been plastered all over social platforms by their admirers; Kunming Zoo attracted visitors with its plant-made panda, elephant and other animal sculptures. 


The night economy also thrived during the holiday. Public cultural institutions such as museums, libraries and cultural centers also provided adequate activities and improved services quality.