Kunming’s breathtaking spring scenes

Updated: April 21, 2022


Jacaranda in full bloom in Kunming makes the city a purple paradise. Crossing the streets lined by jacaranda in full bloom is like experiencing a lilac wonderland. [Photo/Kunming official WeChat]


Jacaranda in full bloom in Kunming makes the city a purple paradise. Crossing the streets lined by jacaranda in full bloom is like experiencing a lilac wonderland. [Photo/Kunming official WeChat]


Dianchi Lake assumes tranquil spring vibes with local government’s efforts to create a green corridor. [Photo/Kunming official WeChat]


Dianchi Lake assumes tranquil spring vibes with local government’s efforts to create a green corridor. [Photo/Kunming official WeChat]


In Laoyuhe wetland park, tulips in bloom fill the community with colors and sweet scents. [Photo/Yunnan.cn]