Kunming's first foreign-funded new energy project launched

Updated: April 6, 2022

Kunming's first foreign-funded new energy project, a pharmaceutical and photovoltaic power project, was officially launched in Yiliang county recently.

Construction is under way, with photovoltaic panels being laid on support stands.


Workers put photovoltaic panels on a support stand.

"Under the solar panels, we'll grow Chinese medicinal herbs. This will greatly enhance the use of this land,” the construction manager said.

This is an example of the new agricultural development model known as "multiple use of one land", which allows for more efficient use of China’s arable land.

"Most Chinese herbal medicines are not fit for exposure to the sun, and they mostly grow in environments with relatively weak sunlight, low ambient temperature and high ambient humidity. The photovoltaic panels provide just such an environment, which satisfies the needs of Chinese herbal medicine to grow," said Pan Jie, Chinese herbal medicine consultant.

After the project is completed, it is expected that its annual power generation will be about 200 million kWh, its annual output value will be 70 million yuan($11 million), and it will reduce coal use by  52,000 tons per year.

It will become a demonstration project for low-carbon and green development in 2024.