Kunming’s rugby team celebrates 10th anniversary

Updated: March 14, 2022


A game was held recently to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Flying Tigers, the first rugby team in Kunming.

More than 200 players from Shanghai, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Beijing and Wuhan gathered in Kunming and joined in the game.

Ten years ago, Tristram Barker, a team leader from New Zealand, came to Kunming with his wife and decided to set up the rugby team with his friends when watching 2011 World Cup.

"I'm so proud of the Flying Tigers today!" Barker said.


[Photo provided by Flying Tigers]

Daniel Andrée, 29, from the United States, joined the Flying Tigers three years ago when he arrived in Kunming. "Because I have been playing American football in the United States, it was natural for me to join the Flying Tigers when I came to Kunming. Here, I play with a group of friends from different countries. This is not only a place for everyone to exercise, but also for communication between locals and foreigners," Andree said.

The team has organized training sessions and added some new players in order to promote the sport and get more people interested in it.