Kunming sends vaccine dose shipment to Myanmar

Updated: January 13, 2022


Seven trucks carrying 746,800 doses of vaccines send to Myanmar departed from Kunming. [Photo/Yunnan Daily]

Seven trucks carrying 746,800 doses of vaccines sent by the Chinese government to Myanmar departed from Kunming on Wednesday.

Despite the heavy anti-virus task Yunnan faces itself, the southwest province has been supporting Myanmar's virus fight, sending medical teams and anti-pandemic materials. It also initiated joint anti-pandemic mechanisms and cooperation, greatly lightening pandemic control pressure along the border.


China will sent 1 million doses of vaccines to Myanmar. [Photo/Yunnan Daily]

According to the aid plan agreed upon by China and Myanmar, a total of 1 million doses of vaccines will be delivered in two shipments. The second shipment of 253,200 doses is scheduled to be shipped from Beijing on Feb 9 and delivered to Myanmar before March 10.