Freight train to Laos carries vegetables|Updated: December 10, 2021


A train loaded with vegetables arrived in Vientiane, Laos, on Sunday from Kunming, Yunnan province. It was the first cold-chain freight train to run on the newly opened China-Laos line. [Photo by Zhang Junsuo / for]

A train loaded with vegetables arrived in Vientiane, Laos, on Sunday from Kunming, Yunnan province. It was the first cold-chain freight train to run on the newly opened China-Laos line. On the return trip, its cargo was tropical fruit from Thailand and Laos for delivery to various Chinese cities.

In recent years, agricultural products from Southeast Asia have been welcomed in Chinese market. At the same time, demand is growing for Chinese vegetables, daily necessities, home appliances and industrial materials from Southeast Asia.

Li Li, executive director of the fruit industry development committee of the Yunnan Provincial Private Entrepreneurs Association, said that refrigerated freight on the China-Laos Railway will greatly promote agricultural trade between China and countries in Southeast Asia.