Diplomats visit Kunming’s enterprises

Updated: December 1, 2021

Kunming authorities invited diplomats from seven consulates to visit local enterprises, which in turn donated anti-epidemic materials to the foreign visitors.

After visiting and learning about Aosidi Group, a large-scale private enterprise integrating multiple fields and industries in Yunnan province, the visitors said that against the backdrop of COVID-19, it is of great importance to practice the philosophy of serving human health and making contributions to society.

Sun Qun, deputy mayor of Kunming, said the visit helped the consulates further understand local companies and identify potential opportunities for cooperation. They play an important role in the city’s opening up and international economic cooperation.

The diplomats expressed their sincere gratitude for the donations, adding that they hope there will be more opportunities to learn about outstanding enterprises in Kunming and strengthen their cooperation.

Ye Weiluo, the Cambodian Consul General in Kunming, delivered a speech on behalf of the foreign consulates after receiving the donations, hoping to continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Kunming and achieve win-win cooperation.

Kunming will further leverage its location, environment, resources and other advantages to promote practical cooperation with South Asia and Southeast Asia.